the secret language of crickets

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

like the passing of some great star

i'm not quite sure what to do with myself, now.

and there are pieces of you everywhere, worn and smudged and falling apart. even the best of us do.

Monday, December 1, 2008

onwards and upwards then.

i'm chelsea. i'm ordinary. none of that nonsense about changing your life. you'll probably forget me. we all tend to forget each other. i'm not incredibly complex, and thats ok because why would i want to be? who doesn't want people to understand them? i'm a kid. the kind that has music running through their veins instead of blood. i write notes to my future self on the inside of my wrists. my dream is to have my words brighten peoples days. right now that dream lives in chicago, i am counting down the seconds until my flight takes off. the only reason i believe in love is because of this one girl but that is enough for me. i tend to make a fool out of myself and make people laugh, and i'm perfectly content with that as long as i keep everybody body smiling.